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Fridley Public Schools
3 students sit a table smiling as they study skulls.

Third graders at Hayes Elementary became scientists during a hands-on skull inquiry, using 20 skulls from the Minnesota Science Museum Lending Library—including a tiger and a giraffe!

On day one, students observed the skulls closely, used scientific vocabulary to describe their features and recorded their findings in journals. The next day, they analyzed photos of the skulls, sorted them based on attributes and predicted which skull matched each animal. The big reveal wrapped up the lesson, followed by a reflection on their learning.

Two students take notes on the skulls they are observing.

“It was a blast,” said Cara Claggett, Primary Years Programme Coordinator at Hayes Elementary. “We were amazed at how much knowledge they already had about animals!”

This engaging activity helped students sharpen their research skills and deepen their understanding of animal structures in a fun, interactive way.