Super Snack Education
Kids need healthy food throughout the day to grow, learn, and stay active. Fridley Public Schools Nutritional Services is proud to offer a Super Snack for all students, ages 18 and under, through the CACFP Afterschool Meals Program. The nutritious snacks are provided to allow students to focus on school work after the school day. Each day's worth of snack contains one grain item, two protein items, one fruit item, one vegetable item, and milk.
We encourage students enjoy their Super Snack while working on homework, or learning through these educational links below!
Educational Links:
K-12 website to practice any subject:
Nutrition Education, recipes, lifecycle nutrition and grocery shopping:
Nutrition Education Resources - MyPlate & Jump into Food and Fitness:
Learn how to increase bone strength through nutrition and exercise:
GAME - Fill up your plate with a balanced meal:
Take the quiz and learn about food from around the world:
Take the quiz to learn which national park you would be!
Additional links can be found in the CACPF Afterschool Meals Program Activities Calendar: click here