Teaching & Learning
International Baccalaureate
The Fridley School District is committed to providing a high quality, challenging, international education through the International Baccalaureate Programmes for students in grades K-12. Hayes Elementary, Stevenson Elementary, Fridley Middle School, and Fridley High School are authorized IB World Schools. Click here to learn more about the IB Continuum at Fridley Public Schools.
District Assessment
The Fridley School District uses multiple assessments to provide teachers with information about their students in order to plan effective instruction and identify students who may need additional intervention or extension. Some assessments are required by state or federal legislation while others are used to meet state or federal program requirements. The schedule provided indicates the district-wide or whole-school testing. Teachers may administer additional subject or course related tests and assessments to measure individual student progress. The school district strives to maximize instructional time and create a balanced schedule throughout the school year. Click here for additional information on curriculum and assessment.
Harold Scott
Senior Officer of Academics and Innovation
Phone: 763-502-5005
Fax: 763-502-5040
Kirsten Wickman
Curriculum Coordinator
Phone: 763-502-5014
Kathy Backstrom
Phone: 763-502-5021