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Fridley Public Schools

Weather-related School Closings

The decision to close schools is a difficult one to make, and we realize that it significantly impacts all of our families. We are mindful of this and will only make a decision to close school buildings when weather conditions create a risk to the safety of our students, families and staff. Assume schools will remain in session until you hear or see differently from the district or your student’s school.

E-Learning During Weather-Related School Closures

Depending on the timing and conditions, the district will determine if we will have a snow day (no instruction) or an e-learning day (students learn from home). If we declare an e-learning day, you will receive detailed instructions from your school, so please watch your email!

Making the Decision

Some primary factors the district considers prior to making a decision to close school buildings:

  • Safety and well-being of students
  • Severity of the weather and duration of the severity
  • The ability of buses and cars to travel safely

The superintendent and district officials monitor the National Weather Service forecasts and use that information to determine if weather conditions warrant closing schools for that day. The decision to close schools will be made at the latest by 6 a.m. of that day.  

Decisions to close schools are determined only after district leaders have consulted various authorities, including local meteorologists and the National Weather Service, law enforcement and transportation agencies and neighboring school districts.

Notifying Families

If weather conditions are extreme to a point where a decision is made to close school buildings, the district will notify families as soon as possible through:

  • Phone calls, text and emails through the district’s parent notification system
  • District website announcement
  • District social media postings (Facebook)
  • Announcement on local broadcast news channels

Please remember: Schools will remain open unless you receive a message from the district through the communication avenues listed above.

Update your emergency contacts on Parent Portal  

We encourage all parents to log in to their Parent Portal account and check to ensure that their email addresses and phone numbers are accurate. This will ensure that you do not miss out on any important message or emergency notification from your child's school or the district. You can click here to access Parent Portal.

Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD)  

Students enrolled through the Northwest Suburban Integration School District (NWSISD): If the district you reside in closes school, there will be no transportation for the day to Fridley Public Schools. If the district that you reside in delays school due to poor weather conditions, there will be no morning bus service to Fridley on that day.